
My Services

Teenagers and Young Adults Coaching Between 12 and 25 Years Old

Adolescence is a very complicated time… This is the time when we build ourselves, when we assert ourselves as an individual with integrity, independence and sovereignty. But it is also an age when we have to make important decisions that affect our future.

And in many cases, hiring a coach to advise and guide you during this period can be incredibly beneficial!

I coach teenagers and young adults so that they can find their own solutions and inner strengths. I help them to become self-sufficient and to better understand the post-graduate and professional world.

My work covers a wide range of topics such as orientation, motivation, self-confidence, identity development and work practices.

"The greatest good we can do for others is not to give them riches, but to reveal their own."

I strive to ensure that each individual youth is supported individually, and in this way, they can build their goals, gather the resources and confidence necessary to move forward, and increase their well-being and overall success:

Coaching process:
